Friday, February 14, 2014

Returning this coming Monday, Feb. 24th, 2014 5:30 pm Dr. Sandra Rose Michael is Speaking at Pure Health Foods

We are excited to announce that Dr. Sandra Rose Michael is coming back to speak at Pure Health Foods. Dr. Michael is a long time friend with Pure Health Food owners Sean and Kim Smith.

In addition to their store Sean and Kim are opening an Energy Rejuvenation Center near their store that will feature Dr. Sandra Rose Michael's 12 unit Energy Enhancement System.

 This will be your opportunity to hear her speak about the technology and get in on a very special offer special for session packages. This groundbreaking technology has had global coverage on CNN, CBS and Discovery Channel due to the “wow factor” of helping individuals to rejuvenate. Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, DNM, Ph.D, DCSJ, the Inventor, backs the EEProcess™ with: Over 20 years of research and development Impressive clinical studies planned with the National Institutes of Health and Mt. Sinai Hospital DNA research with top Geneva geneticists OVER 1500 UNITS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED WORLDWIDE including the University of Hawaii Medical School. Dr. Sandra Michael's patented system design unifies scalar energy, photonic fusion, pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF), hydrobifurcation, dense intentional fields, and direct interface with the DNA. This innovation received the "Qi Technology of the Year" Award 2008 and it is also recognized by the National Institute of Health, the Royal Society of Medicine and the Qigong Grandmasters as, "THE FUTURE OF MEDICINE". Benefits of the EESystem observed include: nullifying electromagnetic pollution, glucose stabilization, boosted immune function, relief from pain, detoxification, mood elevation, balancing the hemispheres of the brain, and increased energy levels. 

 Please R.S.V.P. 366-9297. Only those that R.S.V.P. will be eligible for specials on EESystem sessions. Space is limited.

Our IndieGoGo Campaign

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Energy Photo from EE System

This is a photo of the energy of a seed before the Energy Enhancement System: 
Imagine the energy your cells receive in the EE System!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Aloha Energy

Aloha Energy is a place for rejuvenation and education. We will be coming soon to Las Vegas, NV. Opening the spring of 2014! We proudly announce that we are the first location in Vegas to feature Dr. Sandra Rose Michael's Energy Enhancement System!