Tuesday, April 22, 2014

7 “Miracle Healing” QiGong Tools for Your Daily Life FREE Class

Our Location

We are located at:

1770 N. Buffalo Dr Suite #105
Las Vegas, NV 89128

Behind the Albertson's on Buffalo & Vegas

 This class has been cancelled. We'll let you know when it will be rescheduled. Thank you!

7 “Miracle Healing” QiGong Tools for Your Daily Life 

Fri., May 2, 5-7pm @ ALOHA ENERGY CENTER
This class has been cancelled.

Including Scientifically Proven Tools for 
Immediate Relief of Pain & Stress.
Got challenges? Experience the transformative healing power of Qi for yourself with Nadia Linda Hole MD, visiting QiGong "master" from Hawaii.
Learn tools you can immediately apply for bringing your relationships, your health, & your "bigger" life work to a whole new level.
As a QiGong Master for the  2012 & 2014 QiGong Summits for QiGong Masters.com; consulting editor for textbook Chinese Medical QiGong, columnist for international QiGong emag,Yang-Sheng;  Dr Hole is a pioneer in bridging Qigong, Oriental, Western, & Energy Medicine, with degrees from Princeton, Duke, USHS, & Oneness Universities.  Her passions include healing in the way of Love, dolphins, & empowering others to live their dreams, via Qi.   

The EESystem

"The EESystem is a new technology that generates a therapeutic energy field that can raise the energy level of every cell in the body to it's optimum level. This is the most extraordinary technology I have seen in twenty years of practice as an Alternative Health Care Doctor" -- Dr. James DeBoer

Regenerate Life on a Cellular Level

We live in an age where we are constantly being bombarded with negative frequencies.
The EESystem can help your body operate at the ideal electrical matrix since it eliminates nearly all detrimental fields.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Aloha Energy Rejuvenation Center: Dr Sandra Rose Michael Free Lecture Sat., April 26th 2pm-4pm

Aloha Energy Rejuvenation Center: 

Dr Sandra Rose Michael FREE Lecture Sat April 26th 2pm-4pm @ Aloha Energy Rejuvenation Center


Please join us Saturday for a free lecture at Aloha Energy Center with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael.

Dr. Michael is a long time friend with Pure Health Foods owners Sean and Kim Smith. In addition to their store Sean and Kim have opened an Energy Rejuvenation Center near their store that features Dr. Sandra Rose Michael's 8 unit Energy Enhancement System. This will be your opportunity to hear her speak about the technology and get to experience the EESystem.
After the talk you are invited to stay for 1 or two hours and experience the system yourself.
If you have already had a free session in the system you will need to bring a friend with you in order to receive an additional free session.

Having taught holistic health for over four decades, this award -winning researcher in applied integrative bio-physics, Presidential and International Who's Who, Hon. Dr. Sandra Rose Michael is the creator of the Bio-Scalar EESystem Technology, as featured on CNN, Fox News, The Doctors, the Wall Street Journal and the Beverly Hills Times.  Dr. Michael has lectured at the U.N., the World Summit on Integral Medicine, Anti-Aging Medicine Congresses, the Harvard Club, Royal Society of Medicine, Mt. Sinai and many other Medical Schools and Ministries of Health worldwide. With an autism/ seizure disorder study published in the Journal of Neurology Research, she is currently focused on U.S. Veterans Healthcare.
Knighted for her humanitarian service, she is a Dame Commander of the Order of St. John in the Orthodox Knights Hospitaller tradition and is the Minister of Health for the Republic of New Lemuria, a new country dedicated to Peace and Healing.



1770 N Buffalo Dr

Suite # 105
Las Vegas NV 89128


Behind Albertson's on Buffalo & Vegas
The Energy Enhancement SystemTM (EESystemTM) generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including
“scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body,
elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels.

Dr. Sandra Rose Michael

For the last decade, she has been working extensively with top scientists, physicians, and world leaders in the research, development and implementation of EESystem technology that effectively integrates bio-photonics, unified fields, quantum physics that you can feel and experience creating an enhanced energetic environment for profoundly optimized body-mind-spirit health.